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Providing Expertise and Advice

We have developed a series of podcasts featuring different guest speakers and topics to give you a flavour of the work carried out by Durham Community Action and the organisations we work with.


Real People, Real Stories: Social Prescribing in County Durham - June 2024

We talked to Nuvowellbeing, Burnhope Community Centre and Brightwoods Forest School about the impact the funding for new social prescription activity in County Durham has had in their local community.  

Volunteers' Week - June 2024

As we nationally celebrate 40 years of #VolunteersWeek, we chat to NAVCA's CEO, Maddy Desforges and Teesdale Community Resources CEO, Rachel Tweddle about why volunteering is so important in their local community to inspire more people to make a difference.

Good to Grow Week - May 2024

Durham Community Action and Building Self Belief reflect on the impact Good to Grow Week has made in County Durham and chat about the power of volunteering to increase community gardening in the local area of Benfieldside in Consett.

Village Halls Week - March 2024

#VillageHallsWeek 2024 is celebrating everything village halls can do to 'go green'. In this podcast, we speak to Auckland Youth and Community Centre about their recent Investors in the Environment bronze accreditation and Croxdale Community Association about the impact of their community garden.

Welcome Spaces - January 2024

This podcast focuses on the Welcome Spaces Fund available to organisations in County Durham and the impact the fund has made to a local community building.

Trustees' Week - November 2023

To celebrate Trustees' Week 2023, we have recorded a series of podcasts to celebrate the individual talents, viewpoints and experiences each trustee brings to their board. 

Listen to the podcasts here

Cree Network - September 2023

This podcast focuses on the Cree Network that consists of 40 Cree groups that operate to support and promote the health and wellbeing of County Durham residents.

Vision for Volunteering - July 2023

This podcast focuses on the power of volunteering, a reflection on Volunteers' Week and the Vision for Volunteering, a ten-year collaborative project designed to create a better future for volunteering. 

Energy Efficiency and Climate Action - May 2023

This podcast focuses on energy efficiency and climate action within the voluntary and community sector.

Social Prescribing - March 2023

This episode celebrates Social Prescribing Day and focuses on the role of social prescribing link workers in County Durham and their network. 

Village Halls Week - January 2023 

This podcast celebrates Village Halls Week (23rd - 27th January); the theme of this year’s campaign will look at how village halls can provide warm, welcoming and inclusive spaces, something which is especially important as the country faces a cost-of-living crisis.

Safeguarding - December 2022

This podcast focuses on safeguarding within the voluntary and community sector in County Durham and the importance of training and safeguarding policies and procedures for staff and volunteers.

Community Growing and Food Network - September 2022

This podcast focuses on the Community Growing and Food Network run by Durham Community Action: what the network is about, its benefits and how to get involved. 

Volunteers' Week - July 2022

This podcast follows on from our Volunteer Fair in June and celebrates the success of Volunteers' Week and gives an insight into volunteering within County Durham.

Hallmark - March 2022

This podcast aims to create awareness about Hallmark, a quality standard scheme for village halls and community buildings which aims to support, establish and reward good practice and encourage improvement in established customs and procedures.

If you would like to get involved in our podcasts we would love to hear from you - please contact Katie Baggott by email

The specific views expressed by individuals in the content of our podcasts, case studies and other media are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Durham Community Action or its associates. 

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