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Better Together VCS Forum

Vector Image of a Community
Providing a Voice

The Better Together VCS (Voluntary and Community Sector) Forum brings together senior representatives of larger or specialist VCS organisations with a countywide remit to share best practice and look for new opportunities to collaborate. 

The forum meets bi-monthly and is chaired by the VCS representative on the County Durham Partnership Board, Kate Burrows, Executive Director of Durham Community Action. Support for the forum is provided by Vicky Prendergast, Community Enterprise and Networks Officer, Durham County Council.

Better Together Organisations

Click here to view a list of member organisations

Forthcoming Meeting Dates 

Click here to view the meeting dates for 2024

Meeting Documents

Click here to view and download agendas, notes and presentations

Terms of Reference

Click here to read the terms of reference for the forum

Contact Information

Chair: Kate Burrows - VCS Representative on the County Durham Partnership Board and Executive Director of Durham Community Action


Secretariat/Support: Vicky Prendergast - Community Enterprise and Networks Officer, Durham County Council


County Durham Together

County Durham Together is about working with communities, especially those most in need, making sure they are at the heart of decision-making, building on their existing skills, knowledge, experience and resources to support everyone to thrive and to live happy, healthy and connected lives.

Watch the animation
You can also view the transcript of the animation here

Voluntary and Community Sector in County Durham 

As one of the largest local authority areas in the country, County Durham has a lot to offer. Something we do really well, right across the County is our partnership working.

Our Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) is rooted in local people, places and in action. We have a stable, creative and resilient sector, working effectively together and sharing resources, insight and support. County Durham is a great place to volunteer because of it.

We’ve got together with Durham County Council to produce this short video, by way of an introduction to what our VCS in County Durham does and who we are. The work of the sector is hugely diverse.  Look at this as an invitation to find out more, and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Watch the video

You can also view the transcript for the video here