Durham Community Action can provide information, advice and guidance for organisations who are looking to address climate change by making changes to their organisation. Durham Community Action can support you if you
- Would like to start making changes
- Are making energy efficiency improvements to your building
- Are putting together an action plan to make your organisation greener
- Are calculating your organisation's carbon emissions
We offer Funding Advice and Support and Training Opportunities through our community development workshops and bespoke courses.
Investors in the Environment
Durham Community Action has achieved Bronze Level certification in our first year of Investors in the Environment accreditation.
The Investors in the Environment annual audit assesses five key areas of an organisation’s Environmental Management System (EMS). These areas include:
- Environmental policy
- Resource management and monitoring
- Progress against targets
- Action planning including social/ environmental projects
- Communication
Jo Holmes from Genee who conducted the audit said;
“‘We are thrilled to award Durham Community Action their Bronze Investors in the Environment Accreditation. They have shown real commitment in understanding, measuring and managing their environmental impacts. Their engagement outside of the organisation will ensure the impacts are not just felt by the organisation but all the stakeholders they work with.”
You can find out more about Investors in the Environment on their website here
We work closely with Community Action Northumberland to help individuals save money on their heating fuel through the OilCAN scheme. This is a bulk-buying heating fuel service offering Northumberland and Durham residents, groups and businesses the opportunity to buy oil, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and coal at lower prices. More information can be found here
If you require any support or information about climate action please contact us on 01388 742040 or by email